martes, 27 de abril de 2010


I really enjoyed this trip because few years ago I visited the city with my family but it was a very short stay and this is a city which has a lot of things to do and to enjoy, so that's why I was very excited when I knew that we were going to go all the Erasmus students together with Jette, because I thought that it was going to be very good, and definitely it was better than I expected!

The first day we went there we got settled in our rooms and we went to take a walk on the city.

The second day was more intense because we saw a lot of things and we walked a lot around the city, at night we went to have dinner all together (Jette invited us, it was a big detail) to a great restaurant because the food was really very good and it was free buffet and you could eat as much as you wanted!!!

The third day was the worst because we were very tired, we were going to leave Copenhagen and it was going to be a hard day until we arrive to Haderslev.

Before arrive there we have prepared in groups some information about different monuments and places that we were going to visit in Copenhagen, we organised ourselves to explain our part to the rest of our partners.


This is the "theorical" subject I liked the most, my expectations were very high and the teacher and the contents has totally achieved it.

The lessons were very interesting because their were an introduction to Special Needs to the Danish educational system.

The teacher prepared the lessons a lot, before meeting her at class, she provided us with some material to read and afterwards ask her some questions about it if we haven't understood something.
She was really very nice with us, very understanding and considerate, always tru¡ying to help us and making sure that we understand the contents and trying to solve our doubts on the best way she could do it, she didn't care about the time she needed to it.

Spain and Denmark are quite similar on their Special Needs education system but there are some important differences between both of them (in Spain if you want to teach Special Needs you have to be enrolled in a specific degree, Special Needs Teacher).

The last day we prepared a presentation in groups, in our group we were four people, two from Spain, one from Belgium and one from Hungary.

We spoke about Special Needs in the three different countries and we finish with an explanation about Down's Syndrome, we put some videos and some practical examples from our environment.

In my opinion it was the best part of the whole presentation because it can help people with that syndrome to be possible their integration.

lunes, 26 de abril de 2010


The three future teachers and our pupils =)


In my opinion these two weeks and the International week have been the best two weeks in my whole stay in Denmark.

The school is huge and amazing, it is like a miniature city.

I don't know exactly how many blocks it has, but I'm sure that there are more than five different buildings.

Each of these buildings is preparated for different tasks:

Primary Education.

Pre-school Education.

Special Needs.



In each of the blocks there are a computer's room and a teacher's room.

I did my practice at Special Needs building, we had three different teachers, who are the responsible for the education of the Special Needs pupils.

The way they teach is very different as it is in Spain, the main objective is to teach them autonomy and social habilities, also that the pupils fell well and improve their self-steem.

In the classes there were eight pupils and it was like a "little familiy", they knew that if they had any problem they could trust on their teachers and they were going to help them.

They do many different activities like playing football, go for a walk, do puzzles...

Thay also have traditional lessons as Maths, Sciences, Danish but in a low way.

The most important is to prepare them for the real life, and in my opinion this is one of the most important things you should do if you work on Special Needs.

sábado, 24 de abril de 2010


This week was the most interesting, exhausting, interesting, amazing, great and funniest in my whole stay as an Erasmus student in Denmark!

There were a lot of students from all Europe and we were together many hours of the days.

There were some Spanish girls from Barcelona, Madrid and Valencia, we passed almost all the days with them, specially with the two from Madrid, they are very nice and we got on very well with them.

Five of the Spanish people were students and the other was a University teacher.

We did a lot of things:

- We went to Ribe, the oldest town in Denmark, there we saw a video and a museum about the Vikings History. In enjoyed a lot the museum but I didn't like very much the video, it was a bit boring for me.

- We had an International Day, each country prepared some typical meals and we ate all together at the canteen (the Norwegian girls prepared specially for me their dessert because otherwise I couldn't ate it, it was a big detail to me =)), then we sang "Singing all Together", a song we learned at Music lessons, each country in his/her language. It was a mix between English, Danish, Spanish, Turkish, Czech, German, Portuguese, Norwegian, French, Flamish...

This day was GREAT!

- We did an Eurovision Contest between all the countries, it was very interesting and very funny.

Finally one of the groups from Belgium won, they did it in a very creative way and the song chosen was very good.

miércoles, 21 de abril de 2010


In my opinion these classes were very funny because the teacher taught us in a very dynamic way, and let us "being Physical Education teachers" for one day.
We did not know each other for a very long period of time and it was one of the first steps to start getting confidence and lose our sense of shame to begin speaking with the rest of the Erasmus students.
It was a bit risky idea because of that reason but in the end it was a very good idea.
We learned some traditional Danish dancing and we were dancing all together in a circle, it was very nice and "hygge".
Also, for my future job as a Special Needs and Pre-School teacher is very useful and interesting because now I know a lot of different games from very different countries to teach Social Habilities and activities for the children to let them know their body and explote the posibilities that they have with it.

martes, 20 de abril de 2010

One Funny Danish Lesson

In our last Danish lesson, we were speaking about food and drinks and we made a traditional recipe, typical from our home-country.

It was very funny and very interesting because now we can make typical good meals from different countries.

Each nationality made their own recipe and we were searching on magazines for pictures which represent the ingredients that we need when we want to cook each of these recipes.

For the Spanish omelette we use:

- Potatoes.

- Eggs.

- Oil.

- Salt.

- And sometimes you can use onion too.

Each group cut out and glued on a card our recipe, afterwards we decorated the class with all the recipes.

lunes, 15 de febrero de 2010

Activity in class.

You can tell I'm Spanish because...

We are open and we expresse our feelings without care ehat people could think.
We love party and sun.
Family is very important for us.

This is part of an activity we do last week at Danish and European stereotypes class.

It was quite interesting because first of all, we make a list in groups about what we thougt about Danish people before come to Denmark, after that we comented it with the rest of the class and the teacher.

martes, 2 de febrero de 2010

My first day at UCSyd

On my first day at UCSyd all the Erasmus students had a breakfast with some Danes responsible of the Erasmus program, we are almost 30 people from different countries and, of course, different cultures: Belgium, Turkey, Norway, Hungary, Czech Republic, Poland, Spain...

It was quite good because after the breakfast we played a game in pairs: We wrote on a paper some words with a special meaning for us and the other person had to discover what were referred the words to.

I think it is a nice and funny way to know a little a person.

After we went to visit the different buildings at the University, it's very big and the buildings are olds but they have very good equipment.